Case Stories

Basement Leak
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Mr. S was in the process of completing his One Year Form when he noticed water in his basement and a smell of sewage.

He contacted the builder who suggested that Mr. S and his family not use water in the home or flush the toilet. The builder indicated that Mr. S’s next course of action should be to include this water penetration issue on his One Year Form when it was time to submit it to Tarion. Mr. S contacted the New Home Ombuds because he believed the situation required urgent attention.  

Mr. S had young children in the home and limitations to water usage and exposure to sewage could present a safety concern. He was not willing to wait for year end. The situation was in fact deteriorating and the water in the basement was now ankle deep. Mr. S requested the New Home Ombuds’ help to resolve the situation as quickly as possible. The New Home Ombuds reached out to Tarion’s Technical Desk and asked about immediate action for Mr. S and his family. Within the hour, the Technical Desk had contacted the builder and requested a review of the repairs that day.