Case Stories

Mr. N called us to say that he had informed his builder and Tarion about mould in his home but that Tarion was not taking any action to assist with the situation.
When the Ombuds office reviewed the matter, we discovered that Tarion had actually been working diligently behind the scenes to help the homeowner with his mould issue. They had contacted the builder to inform them that the mould was an issue that Tarion required them to investigate and Tarion had confirmed that the builder had contracted an engineer to investigate and identify the cause of the mould. The problem? Tarion had not informed the homeowner of their actions. To the homeowner, it appeared that Tarion had done nothing at all and that their mould issue was being ignored.
Lack of communication is a procedural fairness concern that leaves homeowners in the dark about what is happening with their warranty claims. As remedy for this fairness issue, we recommended that Tarion provide Mr. N with a clear, written summary of the next steps in resolving his warranty claim and that they apologize for the lack of communication.